Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Got a Right to Sing the Blues True Blood Review

Review of I Got a Right to Sing the Blues
True Blood Season 3
Episode 6
Airdate: 7/25/2010
(Spoilers On)

This week, True Blood ramped it up a notch.  This season, the episodes moved a bit too slowly, but this week the action and the blood was rampant.  This is the kind of True Blood that I like, with the violence, blood, and gore to match.

The plot pieces started coming together this week, we now finally see that Bill really was trying to protect Sookie the entire time.   He can't protect her from Russell and Eric, and gets swatted by Russell like a fly. However, he takes out one of Russell's vampires in the process.  He's going to pay for that later.  It loosk like Eric has chosen sides, and has chosen Russell, betrayed Bill and Sookie in the process - but my guess is he has another agenda in mind. We'll eventaully find out more - he seems to be trying to hard to get cozy to Russell. 

Russell seems more interested in Sookie than anything else, and makes quite an effort to learn her true nature. Unfortunately, he saw her power display last week, so she couldn't hide the truth if she tried. She tells him what she knows, which isn't much, and it is clear that he plans on using her to his advantage. 

We cut to Tara and Franklin (also in Russells mansion) and Tara plays psychopath to ger Franklin to free her.  Tara finds out Sookie is at the mansion, and ti becomes clear that she's going to do something rash - if she doesn't, she's going to be forced to marry Franklin and become a vampire next episode. 

They do the nasty, and there's a scene where Franklin tells Tara to bite him.  You can see her hesitate - but she does it, if only to get Franklin to trust her, and I'm sure the V doesn't hurt either. It's quite a grusome scene. Franklin's blood and flesh is torn, while he screams in pain (pleasure?).  When he's asleep, she thinks (so Sookie can hear her) that she'll ge tthem out of there, they just have to wait until daylight.

In the meantime Russell charges Lorraina with killing Bill.  She tortures him for awhile, while he continues telling her hows she's a perverse diseases being, and how he wishes he never met her.  She clearly doesn't want to do it, so turtures him until he's barely breathing.  He's pretty close to dead when Cooter and Deb come in to "check on him" thinking Lorraina would have gone to sleep by now (it's daytime).  They ask her if they can drink from him, and she says yes.

Tara and Sookie get free after Tara kills Franklin (I can't see im living thorugh that) and they beat the crap out of a werewolf guard.  Tara goes to escape when Alcide comes to find Sookie.  Sookie finds her way to Bill, and just as she's about to save him Lorraina pops up and throws her agains the wall. She then bites Sookie, as Sookie screams.

There were also a couple of scenes in Bon Temps in this episode, but they didn't amount to much.  Jesus finds out Lafayette is a drug dealer and doesn;t want to have anything to do with him.  Jessica tries to make friends with Arlene (in her won way) and feeds from one of Merlottes patrons (but doesn't kill her). 

Sam finds out that Tommy is being used as part of a dog fighting ring, ans that's how his birth parents make their money - of course, her rushes to save the day.

Jason finds out that Crystal is engaged.  There's still something not right about Crystal, but I'm sure we'll find out more soon.

All in all, this episode was action packed, and blood filled.  Much better than the previous five episodes.  The previews for next week look promising as well.  I have a feeling Russell is in for a big surprise sometime down the road, and I have a feeling Talbot is going to be the one giving it to him.

4 out of 5 stars

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